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    Recipe for Potato Dumplings (Perogies) VIDEO

    # Potato Dumplings Recipe (Perogies) VIDEO

    This **Potato Dumplings recipe**, also known as perogies, creates delightful filled dumplings. The flavorsome, cheesy potato stuffing and buttery caramelized onion topping enhance the deliciousness of this dish.

    If you’re fond of these dumplings, you may also enjoy trying our delicious fried piroshki and simple cabbage rolls.

    ## Detailed Recipe

    These Potato Dumplings are small, delightful dumplings that are much-loved in Eastern Europe. This delightful dish serves as a great addition to your holiday meals or to elevate your regular dinners. Due to their enjoyable taste, they tend to disappear quickly.

    – **FLAVOR**: These perogies are cheesy with a touch of onion and garlic, providing a burst of taste. They are topped with sweet and buttery caramelized onions.
    – **CONSISTENCY**: The filling is a creamy, cheesy potato mixture wrapped in dough and then boiled, resulting in a soft and chewy consistency.
    – **TIME**: This recipe will require approximately 2 hours and 40 minutes.
    – **DIFFICULTY**: While preparing perogies might take some time, it is not overly complex. By following the provided instructions and images, you should have no trouble preparing this recipe.

    ## Necessary Ingredients

    ![Ingredients for Potato Dumplings](

    ## Notes on Ingredients

    – **Potatoes**: Russet potatoes are used for their starchy quality, making them creamy and tender when cooked.
    – **Cheese**: Cheddar cheese is recommended for the flavor and color it adds.
    – **Eggs**: They serve as a binding agent, helping to hold the ingredients together.
    – **Sour cream**: Adds a tangy touch and moisture to both the dough and filling. Opt for full-fat sour cream for enhanced taste.

    ## Add-ins and Replacements

    – **Swap the flour**: Gluten-free flour or wheat flour can be used in place of all-purpose flour to make this dish gluten-free.
    – **Try a different cheese**: If you’re not a fan of cheddar, you can use alternative cheeses like cottage cheese, cream cheese, gruyere, or fontina.
    – **Incorporate other vegetables**: Spinach, diced carrots, or mushrooms are tasty additions to this perogies recipe.
    – **Include some meat**: Bacon, kielbasa, or even fish can be added to these delightful dumplings.

    ## How to Prepare Potato Dumplings

    ### Prepare the potatoes

    In a medium pot, combine peeled and diced potatoes with chopped onions. Boil and let simmer until tender. Create the mashed potato filling by adding butter, sour cream, salt, pepper, and garlic powder. Beat until smooth, then mix in grated cheese.

    ![Steps to make Potato Dumplings](

    ### Make the dough

    Sift flour and salt into a stand mixer, then add warm milk, eggs, melted butter, and sour cream. Mix until smooth and elastic. Allow the dough to rest, covered, for 30 minutes.

    ![Steps to make Potato Dumplings](

    ### Shape the dumplings

    – **Divide the dough**: Place the dough on a floured surface, divide it, and thinly roll each portion.
    – **Cut out the dough**: Use a biscuit cutter to make circles. Fill each one with potato mixture, fold into a half-moon shape, and seal tightly.
    – **Repeat**: Keep filling, sealing, and reshaping until all the dough is used, yielding about 60 dumplings.

    **Bonus tip:** For a decorative touch, crimp the edges of the dumplings.

    ![Steps to make Potato Dumplings](

    ### Cook the caramelized onions

    Dice the onions, caramelize them with butter until translucent.

    Enjoy your delicious Potato Dumplings with sweet caramelized onions on top.Potato Dumplings. Salt a pot of boiling water and add the dumplings carefully, one by one. Boil them for 3-5 minutes after they rise to the surface. Use a slotted spoon to transfer them to a bowl or plate and top them with caramelized onions. Serve with a dollop of sour cream.

    **Cooking Tips**
    – **Use warm milk:** Warming the milk deactivates the whey, helping gluten to form properly and giving the desired stretch to your dough.
    – **Use full-fat milk and sour cream:** The use of full-fat ingredients adds richness to both the dough and filling.
    – **Allow the potatoes to cool before adding cheese:** If the potato mixture is hot, the cheese will melt and be challenging to combine.
    – **Seal the dumplings tightly:** Ensure there is enough space at the edges to fully enclose the filling. This helps prevent overfilling the dumplings.

    **Frequently Asked Questions**
    – **Should you boil dumplings before frying them?**
    While you can pan fry these dumplings, the traditional method involves about 3 minutes of boiling in a pot of salted water. Remove them once they start floating.
    – **Is dumpling dough made with potatoes?**
    Dumpling dough consists of flour, salt, eggs, butter, sour cream, and milk. The filling is typically made with potatoes, but there are also dumplings filled with meat, fruit, or sauerkraut.

    **Serving Suggestions**
    These delightful Potato Dumplings are cheesy, flavorful, and delightful. They pair well with various toppings or as a side dish with meats, vegetables, and salads.
    – **Salads:** Pair them with a Cucumber salad, Broccoli Cranberry Salad, Broccoli Salad With Bacon and Cheese, or Spinach Salad.
    – **Vegetables:** Mushrooms and onions, Cabbage rolls, or Brussels sprouts go well with these dumplings.
    – **Meats:** Serve them with Spaghetti and Meatballs, Bacon, or Kielbasa.
    – **Toppings:** Almond slivers, bacon bits, sour cream, and caramelized onions all make great toppings for this dumplings recipe.

    **Prepare This Recipe in Advance**
    – **Make ahead:** You can prepare the filling in advance and only fill and cook the dumplings when you are ready to serve.
    – **Storage:** Store any leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. To reheat the potato dumplings, place them on a baking sheet to warm in the oven. You can also pan-fry them or heat them in the microwave for a few minutes.
    – **Freezing:** You can also freeze them in a ziplock freezer bag for a couple of months. Allow them to thaw before reheating. The caramelized onions can be refrigerated but should not be frozen.

    **More Delicious Eastern European Dishes!**
    – Russian Pryaniki with Mint Glaze
    – Cheese Blintz Recipe
    – Piroshki Recipe (Easy)
    – Poppy Seed Pull Apart Bread

    **Watch how to make these Dumplings**The recipe’s star ratings are displayed in various sets. Each star represents a rating out of 5 stars. Users can interact with the stars to rate the recipe. The average rating for this recipe is 5 out of 5 stars based on 4 votes.

    There are icons available to print or pin the recipe for future reference. Pin Rate

    Type: Starter, Main Dish

    Cookery: Polish, Russian, Ukrainian

    Preparation Time: 2 hours

    Bake Time: 10 minutes

    Let the dough rest: 30 minutes

    Overall Time: 2 hours 40 minutes

    Portions: 90 dumplings

    Energy: 80kcal

    Writer: Dina

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