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    Savory Oven-Baked Salmon Sushi Delicacy

    This savory Oven-Baked Salmon Sushi is filled with succulent salmon, faux crab sticks, spirited spicy mayo, and luscious cream cheese. Anticipate a mix of fieriness, velvetiness, and umami richness with each morsel.

    Are you enthused by salmon in your sushi? Ensure you also peruse the Salmon Skin Roll and the Spicy Salmon Roll for additional sushi pleasures.

    Synopsis of the Recipe

    I am passionate about preparing this Oven-Baked Salmon Sushi because it’s less complex than traditional sushi rolls, making it impressive for social meals. Teeming with rich tastes and assorted textures, it’s perfect for any festivity.

    • FLAVOR: A concert of flavorful salmon, a blended mayo bringing both sugariness and piquancy, savory sauces replete with umami, and the pep of zesty rice distinguishes this sushi bake.
    • TEXTURE: Relish the soft coalition between the salmon’s supple quality, the cream cheese’s velvet touch, and the adherence of the viscous rice.
    • DURATION: Anticipate dedicating 43 minutes to craft this indulgence.
    • SIMPLICITY: With straightforward directives, you’ll put together an exemplary sushi bake yielding reliable tastes.

    Necessities for the Recipe

    Ingredients for Oven-Baked Salmon Sushi: salmon, imitation crab, sriracha, sushi rice, kewpie mayo, salt, cream cheese, sesame seeds, pepper, garlic powder, soy sauce, rice vinegar, green onions and spicy mayo.

    Commentary on Ingredients

    • Salmon – Opt for a pristine fillet or one that’s been previously frozen, ensuring it’s devoid of any pin bones.
    • Imitation crab – This substitute is prime for sushi, boasting a preferable consistency over fresh crab in this recipe.
    • Mayonnaise – Combining Kewpie with spicy mayonnaise infuses a creamy, tart punch to the preparation.
    • Rice vinegar – An indispensable, gentle sweet element for seasoning your sushi rice.
    • Soy sauce – Imparts a robust umami and saline depth, marrying well with sushi bakes.
    • Sesame seeds – Their discreet sweet and nutty zest is enjoyable.
    • Sushi rice – Short-grain sushi rice is paramount, turning sticky upon cooking.

    Alternatives and Modifications

    • Salmon substitutes – Consider swapping with other seafood such as yellowtail, fiery crab, or even some poultry.
    • Conventional mayonnaise alteration – Lacking Kewpie mayo, create a near likeness with standard mayo accompanied by a dash of sugar and a drizzle of rice vinegar.
    • Different rice variances – Should sushi rice be unavailable, medium or long-grain types can act as a makeshift.
    • Add in avocado – Augment with avocado wedges to incorporate extra lush textures into your sushi bake.

    Assembling Your Oven-Baked Salmon Sushi

    • Prepare the sushi rice – Thoroughly rinse the sushi rice until clear using a strainer under cool water, agitating it for roughly a minute.
    • Steam the sushi rice – Delegate the cooking of the rice to your rice cooker. Once cooked, evenly distribute it on a sheet, blend in the seasoned rice vinegar, then allow to cool.

    Pro Recommendation: While infusing the rice with vinegar, handle it delicately using a rice paddle to preserve the grain’s integrity.

    Steps for Oven-Baked Salmon Sushi: Washing and cleaning rice, steam cooking the rice, then mixing in rice vinegar for flavor.Steps for Oven-Baked Salmon Sushi: Washing and cleaning rice, steam cooking the rice, then mixing in rice vinegar for flavor.
    • Enrich the salmon – Season the salmon fillet with a dusting of salt, pepper, and garlic powder for enhanced taste.
    • Bake the salmon – Roast in an oven preheated to 400 degrees Fahrenheit for 15-20 minutes, or until it achieves an internal temperature of 145 degrees Fahrenheit.
    • Amalgamate the ingredients – After letting the salmon rest, flake it into a bowl and combine with sliced imitation crab, Japanese mayonnaise, room-temperature cream cheese, sriracha, and a lower sodium soy sauce.
    Assembling Oven-Baked Salmon Sushi: aromatizing, roasting and flaking the salmon, then melding with imitation crab, mayo, cream cheese, and sriracha.Assembling Oven-Baked Salmon Sushi: season, bake and flake the salmon, then blend with imitation crab, mayo, cream cheese, and sriracha.
    • Organize the sushi bake – Distribute the cooled rice in a 9×13 baking dish, applying gentle pressure, and afterward sprinkle a bit of furikake seasoning over it.
    • Layer the salmon – Overlay the rice with the salmon mixture and integrate the tastes with a swift broil for 4 minutes.
    • Add the finishing touches – Overlay with spicy mayo and sriracha on your sushi bake, then embellish with chopped green onions and sesame seeds before offering.

    Guide on preparing Salmon Sushi Bake: layer sushi rice in a dish, sprinkle with sesame seasoning, top it with the creamy salmon, and garnish with scallions and fiery mayo.Guide on preparing Salmon Sushi Bake: layer sushi rice in a dish, sprinkle with sesame seasoning, top it with the creamy salmon, and garnish with scallions and fiery mayo.

    Culinary Suggestions

    • Prepare the rice- Initiate by meticulously cleaning your rice until the discharge is transparent to eradicate any excess starch or impurities.
    • Delicately manage the rice- When incorporating the rice vinegar, handle the sushi rice tenderly, employing a folding motion rather than compressing, to preserve its fragile consistency.
    • Modify baking duration for the salmon- The necessary baking period for the salmon could fluctuate reliant on its thickness. Ensure the salmon attains a secure internal warmth of 145°F.
    • Embellish with delectable toppings- Amplify your Salmon Sushi Bake with adornments such as crispy nori pieces, delectable Unagi sauce, crisp cucumbers, and succulent slices of avocado.

    Frequently Asked Inquiries

    Which type of salmon is optimal for sushi?

    For concocting your sushi bake, elect either cultivated Atlantic salmon or domesticated Alaskan salmon. It is prudent to steer clear of wild salmon due to a higher risk of parasites; limit your choice to cultivated types for preparing sushi.

    Is it preferable to utilize salmon that’s cooked or uncooked for sushi?

    You may select between cooked or uncooked salmon for sushi. In sushi bakes like this, we bake the salmon at first prior to commingling it with other components and then proceeding to compose the bake.

    A succulent Salmon Sushi bake with one piece removed for serving.A succulent Salmon Sushi bake with one piece removed for serving.

    Serving Proposals

    This Salmon Sushi Bake abounds with savory, tangy, and luscious flavour profiles. Relish it in the company of sushi varietals, an assortiment of veggies, assorted cereals and noodles, or as an appetizer.

    • Sushi: Augment this dish with additional sushi favourites such as Crispy Shrimp Tempura Roll, Basic Sushi Bake, a Cali Roll Bowl, or a Spicy Dynamite Roll.
    • Vegetables: Pair the sushi bake with Garlic Butter Asparagus, Oven-Baked Brussels Sprouts, Air-Fried Broccoli, or a Salad of Green Beans and Bacon.
    • Grains/Noodles: Serve it with Traditional Hibachi Rice, a Toss of Quinoa and Rice, Original Chow Mein, or a Swift Shrimp Chow Mein ready in half an hour.
    • Appetizers: Kick off your dining experience with Fresh Spring Rolls, a Crisp Kani Salad, Tempura Prawns, or Sweet Glazed Teriyaki Chicken Wings.

    Plan Your Recipe in Advance

    Provision early: The sushi rice might be prepared previously in the day and preserved at ambient temperature, while the salmon could be roasted and refrigerated once it’s cooled down.

    Storing: Maintain any leftover Salmon Sushi Bake in a hermetically sealed container or sheathed with plastic wrap in the refrigerator, and aim to consume within a span of three days.

    Freezing: It is not advisable to freeze this concoction, as the rice could become arid and the ensemble might assume a crumbly texture upon thawing.

    Discover More Luscious Sushi Entrées!

    Complete Cooking Method

    Recipe thumbnailRecipe thumbnail

    Measurements: US Customary – Metric

    • Commencez par préparer le riz à sushi. Lavez le Riz à Sushi Calrose dans une passoire fine sous l’eau froide courante pendant environ 1 minute, en remuant doucement le riz avec une cuillère.

    • Faites cuire le riz dans un autocuiseur en suivant les instructions pour la quantité d’eau nécessaire. Après cuisson, étalez le riz sur un plat peu profond et vaporisez de manière homogène avec du vinaigre de riz assaisonné en utilisant une spatule à riz pour l’incorporer délicatement. Évitez d’écraser le riz ; laissez-le refroidir par la suite.

    • Assaisonnez le filet de saumon de manière homogène avec du sel, du poivre et une pincée de poudre d’ail.

    • Faites cuire au four le saumon assaisonné dans un four préalablement chauffé à 200 degrés Celsius pendant 15 à 20 minutes ; l’épaisseur impactera le temps de cuisson. Visez une température interne de 63 degrés Celsius au minimum.

    • Une fois que le saumon a refroidi, effilochez-le dans un grand saladier et incorporez des morceaux de crabe imitation hachés, de la mayonnaise japonaise onctueuse, du fromage à la crème ramolli, un soupçon de sriracha et de la sauce soja à teneur réduite en sodium.

    • Mélangez soigneusement tous les ingrédients.

    • Répartissez le riz à sushi refroidi de manière uniforme sur le fond d’un plat de cuisson de 23×33 centimètres, en le tassant légèrement. Saupoudrez la surface avec votre assaisonnement furikake préféré, en utilisant environ 3 cuillères à soupe.

    • Étalez le mélange savoureux de saumon sur le lit de riz assaisonné et passez sous le grill du four pendant 4 minutes, jusqu’à ce que la garniture soit juste réchauffée et légèrement croustillante.

    • Terminez en nappant de mayonnaise épicée et en ajoutant un filet de sriracha sur le sushi cuit au four. Parsemez d’oignons verts hachés et de graines de sésame en guise de garniture. Dégustez avec des feuilles d’algues grillées, un trait de sauce Unagi sucrée, des tranches de concombre anglais croquant et de l’avocat frais.

    Calories : 624kcal |
    Glucides : 59g |
    Protéine : 30g





    Gras polyinsaturés :














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