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    Main Dishes

    Scrumptious Smoked Beef Short Ribs

    Delight in the luscious juiciness and softness of these Smoked Beef Short Ribs that simply slide off the bone. Imbued with a profound smoky flavor and seasoned to perfection, these ribs are downright irresistible.

    For those passionate about ribs, you might want to try these succulent Braised Beef Short Ribs (VIDEO) or the enticing Barbecue Pork Ribs.

    Essentials of the Dish

    Ideal for those balmy times when your smoker is ready to go and you have a craving for savory barbecued meats, these Smoked Beef Short Ribs are an intense pleasure to enjoy. Whether it’s a comforting dinner with relatives or an exuberant backyard feast, they harmonize superbly with a cornucopia of sides.

    • FLAVOR: A sumptuous and fragrant treat, these ribs are liberally seasoned with a distinct mixture of herbs and spices that amplify their smoky nature, further enhanced by the selected smoking pellets.
    • TEXTURE: Relish the buttery softness of these ribs, balanced by a delightfully crispy surface achieved through careful smoking.

    • TIME: Swift to prepare – taking just 8 minutes – with an additional 8-hour smoke to unfurl those complex tastes.
    • EASE: Exhibiting a straightforward spice rub using common pantry items and a simple smoking technique, crafting these ribs is effortlessly done.

    Equipment Necessary

    Key ingredients for Smoked Beef Short Ribs include beef short ribs, olive oil, kosher salt, apple cider vinegar, black pepper, oregano, onion powder, smoked paprika, and garlic powder.

    Ingredient Remarks

    • Apple cider vinegar- Imparts a tart dimension to the surface and aids in tenderizing the flesh.
    • Spices- A combination of pungent garlic powder, onion powder, smoked paprika, savory oregano, piquant black pepper, and kosher salt encases the ribs in a flavor cocoon.
    • Olive oil- Assists in the formation of a crust while ensuring the spices adhere to the beef.

    Swaps and Modifications

    • Whip up a marinade- Consider marinating the ribs in a soy sauce and ginger concoction, or soak them in beef broth or red wine for added richness and flavor depth.
    • Exchange vinegars- Explore the use of white vinegar, rice wine vinegar, or red wine vinegar to substitute for the apple cider vinegar.
    • Enhance heat- Incorporate hot sauce or Sriracha into the ribs. Alternatively, spike your seasoning mix with some cayenne pepper.
    • Apply mustard- Start by slathering the meat with Dijon, store-bought, or classic yellow mustard, or integrate mustard powder into your dry rub for a zestier taste.

    Assembling Smoked Beef Short Ribs

    • Mix the spice medley. In a diminutive container, put together kosher salt, black pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, oregano, and smoked paprika. Stir well and set aside.
    Starting the Smoked Beef Short Ribs involves a complete amalgamation of the selected spices.Starting the Smoked Beef Short Ribs involves a complete amalgamation of the selected spices.
    • Groom the ribs. Detach the fat layer and silver skin, following up with a dense brushing of olive oil.
    • Administer the spices. Generously envelop each rib thoroughly with the aromatic rub.
    • Smoke the ribs. Turn on your smoker to 250 ºF and position the short ribs onto the grates. Close the cover and let them smoke for around 5 hours, making sure to spritz the ribs with a concoction of water and apple cider vinegar per hour throughout the first part of the smoking time.
    • Allow the ribs to rest. Wrap the cuts in peach butcher paper and continue the smoking at the steady temperature until the internal heat of the meat strikes between 200-205ºF. Once finished, let the ribs settle for a minimum of 30 minutes before slicing.

    Professional Hint: In the absence of butcher paper, aluminum foil is an excellent fallback for encasing the ribs.

    The method of cooking appealing Smoked Beef Short Ribs comprises of prepping the beef, anointing with olive oil and spice rub, followed by a thorough smoking and regular basting with apple cider vinegar.The method of cooking appealing Smoked Beef Short Ribs comprises of prepping the beef, anointing with olive oil and spice rub, followed by a thorough smoking and regular basting with apple cider vinegar.

    Guidance from the Chef

    • Blend the seasonings in advance- This allows the flavors to be uniformly distributed across the ribs.
    • Remove unnecessary parts- It’s preferable to trim away overly thick areas to prevent unwelcome chewiness.
      • Surplus adipose tissue or the unattractive stringy silverskin.
      • ACV mist- This process not only hydrates and softens the meat but it also imparts a savory crust.
      • Rest time- Giving the short ribs time to sit ensures that the flavors are locked in, assuring a juicy and delicate mouthfeel.

      Frequent Questions

      How long should beef short ribs be smoked at 225?

      In this recipe, the ribs are smoked at 250 for a full 8 hours. Should you choose to smoke at 225, a window of about 6-8 hours is suitable. Your ribs are perfectly smoked when their internal temperature hits the optimal mark of 200-205 degrees Fahrenheit.

      Is it better to smoke beef short ribs bone up or bone down?

      It is advisable to place the short ribs bone side facing downwards on the smoker. This setup promotes the formation of a tantalizing crust on the surface of the ribs, particularly when you spritz them intermittently with vinegar.

      Sliced Smoked Beef Short RibsSliced Smoked Beef Short Ribs

      Accompaniments for Smoked Beef Short Ribs

      Savor these mouthwatering Smoked Beef Short Ribs, equipped with a flawlessly seasoned top layer. They stand as an ideal centerpiece to an array of side dishes, including fresh salads, creamy dips, a variety of vegetables, and crispy fries.

      • Sauces: Enjoy them alongside a medley of sauces, ranging from a homemade BBQ Sauce, a replica of Chick-Fil-A Sauce, a zesty Greek Yogurt Sauce, to a traditional Fry Sauce.
      • Salads: Enhance the main dish with a vibrant Tri-Color Pasta Salad, a zingy Salmon Potato Salad, a classic Spinach Salad, or an Italian Antipasti Salad.
      • Vegetables: Accompany them with delicious sides such as Bacon-Wrapped Asparagus, Air Fryer Crisp Broccoli, a zesty Bean Salad with Bacon, or Oven-Roasted Brussel Sprouts.
      • Fries: Team these ribs with a selection of fries, like Air Fryer French Fries, a blend of sweet and savory Air Fryer Sweet Potato Fries, crunchy Air Fryer Zucchini Fries, or substantial Air Fryer Potato Wedges.

      Advance Preparation for This Recipe

      Preparation: The seasoning blend can be made ahead of time and the ribs can be cleaned and refrigerated until ready to season and smoke.

      Storage: Store any leftover Smoked Beef Short Ribs in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 4 days. Reheat them using a grill, oven, or on your stove until properly heated throughout.

      Freezing: Freeze the ribs in an appropriate freezer container and they will keep for approximately 3 months. Ensure they are fully defrosted in the refrigerator before reheating them.

      Discover Additional Smoked Specialties


      Detailed Recipe Steps


      Cooking Duration:

      8 hours

      Aggregate Duration:

      8 hours

      8 minutes





      • Amalgamate the following ingredients in a minor bowl: kosher salt, black pepper, ground garlic, powdered onion, oregano, and smoked paprika.

      • Make sure the spice mix is thoroughly combined using a whisk, then keep it aside for later use.

      • Proceed to cut off the excess fat cap

        Remove any excess fat and the silvery membrane from the short ribs, then rub them with olive oil.

      • Liberally dust all sides of the short ribs with your prepared seasoning blend.

      • Begin by bringing your smoker up to a consistent 250 degrees Fahrenheit. Position the short ribs on the grate of the smoker, seal the smoker’s top, and cook uninterrupted for approximately 5 hours. During this initial 5-hour cook time, spritz the ribs hourly with a concoction of water and apple cider vinegar using a misting bottle.

      • Next, enfold the short ribs in peach butcher paper and persist in cooking them at the previous temperature until the internal temperature of the meat hits between 200 and 205 degrees Fahrenheit. Post-cooking, it’s critical to let the meat rest for at least 30 minutes before carving. Should peach butcher paper be unavailable, aluminum foil is a suitable substitute.






      “`Fat: 41g | Saturated Fat: 15g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 2g | Monounsaturated Fat: 20g | Cholesterol: 195mg | Sodium: 2836mg | Potassium: 1236mg | Fiber: 0.4g | Sugar: 0.2g | Vitamin A: 249IU | Vitamin C: 0.1mg | Calcium: 37mg | Iron: 7mg

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