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    Smashed Potato Fritters

    This scrumptious Smashed Potato Fritters formula is definitely the supreme method to consume those extra mashed potatoes! They’re delightfully crunchy on the external side and velvety within.

    These fritters also serve as a fantastic accompaniment to this velvety fungus soup and this fowl pasta soup.

    Recipe Particulars

    I strongly disagree with squandering leftovers, and this formula is the ideal means to utilize leftover mashed potatoes. These Smashed Potato Fritters are straightforward, yummy, and excellent for supper or breakfast. You’ll never throw away additional mashed potatoes again!

    • FLAVOR: With all the rich buttery taste you cherish in mashed potatoes, these fritters possess just a hint of garlic for more flavor.
    • CONSISTENCY: The exteriors of these fritters are crisp and amber from frying. The inside is creamy and soft from the mashed potatoes.
    • TIME: It merely requires 20 minutes to prepare.
    • SIMPLICITY: This formula is incredibly simple and a perfect application for your leftovers. With just a few essential kitchen items, it’s extremely handy and straightforward to prepare these fritters.

    Essential Ingredients

    Ingredient Details

    • Mashed taters- Any variety can be used, but not too lumpy or they won’t stay together.
    • Hen’s offspring- These are vital since they perform as the binding agent gripping the potatoes unitedly.

    Add-Ons and Replacements

    • Exchange the flour- Select gluten-free flour in lieu of the general-purpose flour to prepare these fritters gluten-free.
    • Employ sugary taters- If there are sugary taters on hand, you can mash them and utilize them in this formula as well.
    • Render it non-dairy- Utilize plant-based milk, such as almond milk, coconut milk, or oat milk, to make this non-dairy.
    • Barbecue them- Instead of frying these Smashed Potato Fritters, position the mixture on the barbecue and prepare them like traditional fritters.

    The Method of Preparing Smashed Potato Fritters

    • Mix the components. Add the hen’s offspring to a capacious bowl and stir. Then include the mashed taters, salt, pepper, garlic, flour, and milk and blend everything with an electrical handheld mixer.
    Procedure to prepare Smashed Potato Fritters: mix the eggs, mashed potatoes, salt, pepper, flour, milk, and garlic.
    • Ladle the fritter mixture. Now, warm oil in a capacious skillet over medium-high heat and drop in bunches of the mashed potato fritter mixture utilizing a cookie scoop.
    • Cook. Then bake each mashed potato fritter for several minutes per side or until they become amber.

    Smart Hint:  These pair wonderfully with a dollop of sour cream and a couple of newly sliced chives.

    Procedure to prepare Smashed Potato Fritters: mix the ingredients and ladle them into hot oil and fry until golden brown.

    Cooking Recommendations

    • Whip the eggs before integrating other components- By doing this, it introduces air and thoroughly combines the whites and yolk to make them superior at binding the mixture.
    • Gradually mix the flour- To prevent flour from scattering, mix at a low speed until it’s more integrated, then escalate the speed.
    • Pick an oil with a high smoke point- To prevent the oil from producing smoke as you cook your fritters, select oils like vegetable, corn, or canola, which can get hotter without smoking.
    • Position them on a blotter paper-occupied dish- These smashed potato fritters will have surplus oil, so this stage helps soak it so they taste tremendous without being oily.
    Smashed Potato Fritters piled and garnished with sour cream and chives.


    Why are my smashed potato fritters falling apart?

    Should your mixture be excessively damp, the fritters might collapse. Incorporate a tad more flour and blend it, then allow it to rest to allow the gluten to develop. This ought to help sustain your smashed potato fritters from breaking down.

    What distinguishes potato latkes from potato fritters?

    Potato latkes have a browned crust with lacy edges whereas these potato fritters possess a crunchy surface and aCrumbly inside crafted from pureed potatoes. They bear resemblance, yet the consistencies differ considerably.

    Potato Puree Pancakes presented on a platter alongside sour cream and green onions.

    Serving Ideas

    Due to the adaptability of this dish, you can pair it with any other foods. These Potato Puree Pancakes are delightful for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

    • Cow: Offer them for supper with Cow Stew, Braised Cow Short Ribs (VIDEO), Smoked Cow Brisket, or Simple Cow Chili.
    • Hend: Match them with Coated Hend Skewers, Vertical Roasted Hend, Coated Air Fryer Hend Tenders (VIDEO), or Rice Packed Hend Thighs.
    • Ova: Savor these pancakes with Ova Benedict, Simple Poached Ova with Caramelized Onions, Ova Sandwich, or Quiche Lorraine.
    • Burgers/Sandwiches: Serve them next to Chipotle Burgers with Guacamole Sauce, Classic BLT Sandwiches, Turkey Croissant Sandwiches, or Residual Turkey Sandwiches.

    Create This Dish Earlier

    Make beforehand: You can prep the mixture for these pancakes ahead of time and keep it covered in the refrigerator until you’re prepared to cook.

    Preservation: Keep these Potato Puree Pancakes once they have cooled down in a sealed container for a maximum of 5 days. Warm up on the stovetop, in the microwave, or in the toaster oven.

    Freezing: Let them cool down entirely then place in a large ziplock bag. Freeze these savory pancakes for up to 3 months.

    More Delectable Potato Dishes!

    Complete Recipe Guidelines

    • In a sizable bowl, gently whisk the ova with a portable mixer.

    • Incorporate the pureed potatoes, sodium, pepper, garlic, and milk to the ova. Combine until thoroughly blended.

    • Toss in the flour and commence blending slowly, then accelerate once most of the mixture has joined together.

    • Fill a considerable pan with roughly 1 inch of vegetable oil and heat to medium-high temperature (Canola or maize oil also work). Employing a dessert scoop, dish out heaps of the potato mixture and place into the hot oil.

    • Turn the pancakes when they achieve a golden brown color. Extract from pan and set on a dish lined with a tissue to soak up surplus oil.

    • Serve warm with sour cream and cut chives.

    Calories: 155kcal | Carbohydrates: 0.03g | Protein: 1g | Fat: 0.4g | Saturated Fat: 0.1g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 0.1g | Monounsaturated Fat: 0.2g |

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    Cette recette a été initialement publiée le 1er avril 2015, nous l’avons légèrement modifiée depuis.

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